圖片: Humber College - 全球企業管理研究生證書 (NOV/2021)

恭喜我們陳同學,獲得2022年5月錄取通知,目標前往加拿大安大略省Humber College,學習兩年的全球企業管理研究生證書課程,這個課程每年開課三次,沒有雅思成績的學生,可以在台灣或是加拿大參加英語銜接課程,完成後不需再考雅思,可直接銜接Humber College。申請者必須具有學士學位,無論您大學主修是哪個科系,對於商業有興趣的同學,都歡迎您申請。




  • 廣告媒體管理
  • 替代性糾紛解決
  • 創業企業
  • 宴會管理
  • 時尚管理
  • 金融計劃
  • 人力資源管理
  • 國際商務管理
  • 市場行銷管理

工作實習: 在第四學期的專業中選擇(至少 320 小時)相關工作實習。


BISM 5000: Computer Analytic Skills
BUS 5003: Project Management
ECON 5015: Management Economics
HRM 5003: Human Resources Management
STAT 5002: Quantitative Methods for Management
WORK 5005: Career Development and Pre-Placement Seminar


ACCT 5507: Managerial Accounting and Finance
BUS 5505: Canadian Business Law
GEOG 5528: World Geographies and Cultures
HRM 5008: Organizational Behaviour
MKTG 5007: Fundamentals of Marketing
RSMT 5001: Business Research Methods


BUS 5024: Business Strategy 1
WORK 5570: Industry Seminar
Select 4 from the following courses
ADR3: GBM Alter Dispute Res - Sem 3
Select 4 from the following courses
AMM3: GBM Advert Media Mgmt - Sem 3
Select 4 from the following courses
ENT3: GBM Entrepreneurial Ent -Sem 3
Select 4 from the following courses
EVT3: GBM Event Mangement - Sem 3
Select 4 from the following courses
FIN3: GBM Financial Planning - Sem 3
Select 4 from the following courses
FSH3: GBM Fashion Management - Sem 3
Select 4 from the following courses
HRM3: GBM Human Resources Mgmt Sem 3
Select 4 from the following courses
IBM3: GBM Int’l Business Mgmt Sem 3
Select 4 from the following courses
MKT3: GBM Marketing Mgmt Sem 3


BUS 5021: Business Leadership Skills
BUS 5571: Business Strategy 2
WORK 5511: GBM Field Placement
Select 4 from the following courses
ADR4: GBM Alter Dispute Res - Sem 4
Select 4 from the following courses
AMM4: GBM Advert Media Mgmt - Sem 4
Select 4 from the following courses
ENT4: GBM Entrepreneurial Ent -Sem 4
Select 4 from the following courses
EVT4: GBM Event Managemnt - Sem 4
Select 4 from the following courses
FIN4: GBM Financial Planning - Sem 4
Select 4 from the following courses
FSH4: GBM Fashion Management - Sem 4
Select 4 from the following courses
HRM4: GBM Human Resources Mgmt Sem 4
Select 4 from the following courses
IBM4: GBM Int’l Business Mgmt Sem 4
Select 4 from the following courses
MKT4: GBM Marketing Mgmt Sem 4

Please note:

  • Managerial Accounting Finance (ACCT 5507) and Fundamentals of Marketing (MKTG 5007) are delivered online.
  • Semester 3 course groupings are prerequisites for corresponding semester 4 groupings.



 填寫 >預約免費諮詢課程 https://reurl.cc/yel7vM 



週一~週五 10:00~19:00 


台灣辦公室Line ID:gracewu.apex

台灣辦公室Line ID:joyce.apex

加拿大辦公室Line ID:irene.apex | 溫哥華愛琳姐


中青遊留學|官方網站: https://apexstudy.org

中青遊留學|粉絲專頁: http://www.facebook.com/apexstudy.org

中青遊留學|痞客邦: https://apex23711226.pixnet.net/blog

中青遊留學|Instagram: @apex.study


    創作者 睿達留遊學 的頭像

    睿達留遊學 | 加拿大愛琳姐留遊學 | 留遊學代辦

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